My path as an artist began with graphics and watercolors. The main subjects of my earlier works were city landscapes and architecture, mainly of my hometown St. Petersburg. Over time, I stopped feeling connected to industrial and architectural objects and began to search for new artistic forms, a source of inspiration and freer means of expression. Thanks to creative experiments and exploration of my inner world, I was able to establish a connection between the external and internal world and find a way to share my impressions by transferring emotions and thoughts to a material object.
I explore the topic of everyday beauty and draw on my personal impressions and emotional experiences. Through my art, I invite the viewer to enjoy simple things, accessible beauty and the life that surrounds us. Flickering and glare from the sun, a blossoming rosebud in the yard, the flapping of a bird's wings. I transfer familiar shapes and abstract images onto canvas, endowed with my impression and emotional state. I mainly focus on the theme of nature and the animal world. Using a combination of colors, textures and animal images, I convey my sense of the world, my impressions and internal states onto the canvas. The viewer can find his own symbolism in my artworks, so I deliberately give fairly simple names to the paintings in order to leave more space for searching for meanings and impressions.
I paint with acrylic and oil in a mixed media and intuitive manner. Some of my works, especially those painted in oil, are similar to the styles of impressionism and pointillism. I also use other materials (gouache, oil pastel, charcoal). I do ceramics and sculpture. Handmade ceramic products allow me to embody my ideas and artistic images in new forms. I continue to experiment, search, and try something new.
2023 - Handbuilt ceramics and sculpture course, ceramics studio «Biskuit». St. Petersburg, Russia
2021-2023 - Institute of Psychological Counseling «New Age». St. Petersburg, Russia
2009-2014 - Nevsky Institute of Design, graphic design department. St. Petersburg, Russia
2007-2009 - Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education
«Higher School of Folk Arts (academy)». St. Petersburg, Russia
2000-2004 - School of Arts. Vyborg, Russia
1996-2000 - State Budgetary Institution «Children's Art School «Alexandrino». St. Petersburg, Russia
2024 - Solo exhibition. Bloki Art Space, Tbilisi, Georgia
2024 - Oil and acrylic painting. Van Goghi, Tbilisi, Georgia
2023 - Watercolor exhibition. La belle verte, St. Petersburg, Russia
2023 - Art Fair, St. Petersburg, Russia
2022 - Beriozka gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia